Wednesday, January 9, 2013

WWE Main Event 01/09/13

-Prematch interviews has Shaemus extremely confident and Dolph Ziggler's bodyguard chasing off a reporter asking tough questions.

Shaemus vs Dolph Ziggler
I really like Shaemus. I can get through the comedy stuff however the "I just want to fight" part of his character is awesome. He is a big man with offense that can believably end a match quickly. Shaemus has high quality matches with virtually everyone with alarming regularity. Shaemus had a lot to work with here and this was a slight step below a PPV match without a quality finish. I was actually okay with the finish since it continues to put over Shaemus's Brogue Kick as a killer match ending move, however Ziggler rolls to the outside and flees protecting him from being pinned by Shaemus. It is good protective booking for a free TV show.

Wade Barrett vs Zack Ryder
I do not understand how a group of adults running an entertainment business have no idea what to do with a wrestler. Ryder has passion to be a wrestler and doesn't just want a check but isn't given a chance to succeed. Last year he got over with the fans due to his own merit with his YouTube show. Ryder's career is to the point now where nobody in their right mind would pick him to be the Intercontinental Champion in a non-title match. Wade Barrett has been skyrocketing through the WWE since coming back from injury. He has found a gimmick that is true to himself and easy to play. This is something that bothers me about the WWE, in the late 90's wrestling boom they gave wrestlers characters that were extensions of themselves and saw their family run company explode into a gigantic corporation. CM Punk was right in his infamous 2011 Las Vegas promo, Vince McMahon should be a Billionaire not just a millionaire. The WWE wastes time on characters and wrestlers doomed to fail. To succeed in the WWE you really need to love, no just like wrestling. You need to be able to reinvent yourself and not rely on the same gimmick that will grow stale over time. WWE also seems timid to make star as they are afraid their newly made stars will leave for brighter lights and bigger checks. In this match Ryder gave it a try but the fans never buy into him as a threat in this match and Barrett mops him up with the Bull Hammer elbow. Not a bad extended squash, but several steps below the previous match.

The show continues to be good. Make no mistake about it this is a complete wrestling show, unlike other programs the WWE produces

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