Saturday, January 12, 2013

TNA Impact 01/10/13

Opening segment seeing Sting, Angle and Joe come out and establish that they still do not like Aces and 8's (A&8's). The real issue with with Mr. Anderson's non involvement in the cage match last week. I do not like Mr Anderson so maybe it is good he is a heel. There were odd silent moments from the crowd during this, something not heard in the WWE. Angle used a form of the tired "You're either with us or against us" line. Angle and Anderson have a little exchange and Anderson bails. It may be that it has only been two weeks since I ended my Impact hiatus but I have no idea what A&8's objective is, other than giving midcard wrestlers something to do.

Brooke Hogan has been getting better but her fake answering of the phone looked just that fake. Her interview skills are better though she says nothing of note and nothing to do with pro wrestling.

Zema Ion vs Kenny King
Competitive match, but the result was never in doubt. Kenny King is going to win this little tournament and the title at Genesis. He is too good to not be pushed up the company. He won with his Royal Flush.

I take back what I said about Mr Anderson, I hate Robbie E much much worse. There is never a reason to say Bro....NEVER A REASON TO SAY BRO. Robbie must say it every other sentence. He asks one of the Knockouts to tag with him in his mixed tag. She says yes if she can tag with Robbie T (his bodyguard) instead of him. Not much of a segment, just hate seeing Robbie E on my TV.

I like all thing Joseph Park. He is ultra dedicated to this character and his facial expressions are second to none. It adds so much believability to everything he does. Tonight he is proud to not talk to Hogan as a lawyer but as a professional wrestler.

Jesse & Tara vs Robbie T & Miss Tessmacher
Not much here but is continuing the push for Robbie T. He is so big you wonder how he passed a drug test. Robbie T has a killer looking powerbomb that destroys Jesse and ends the match. And there was much dancing by all.

Brian Cage vs Jay Bradley - Gut Check
I forgot who the wrestlers were, which isn't a resounding vote of approval for these two. The most interesting move of the match was a superplex where the man delivering the move stood on the second rope and pulled his opponent up into the vertical suplex position. Cage won with his Boom Stick lariat and I predict he will win the contract next week.

Back at the biker shack A&8's talk about business and because Mike Knox lost his mask last week, he needs to earn his spot back into the business table or he will be out of the group.

I really like the Joseph Park character, and he gets any match he wants with A&8's. The segments turns into Brooke handling personal business with her father in public. Hulk says he will not reinstate Mark (Bully Ray's real name). Brooke has gotten better behind the mic......please TNA don't let her act!

Another thing I love is this new pairing of Aries and Roode. The are TNA's Team Hell No as they fight over everything and it is fun to watch. This week they fight over what they are wearing.

Austin Aries & Bobby Roode vs Jeff Hardy & James Storm
Aries and Roode are the best thing going in TNA. Their one upsmanship is the story of the match and it is so entertaining to watch. It is amazing to me that we complained about feuding tag team partners 10 years ago and now they are the "in" thing. I guess the better handling of these situations along with the better talent involved has helped matters. This match fell into 2000- era booking with the match going along fine until Kaz and Daniels make a run in and through all the craziness Aries hits Hardy with the belt causing the DQ. Good TV match brought a little higher with the Roode and Aries stuff. We are left with Aries and Roode in a tug of war over the belt.

Brooke Hogan calls Bully for a ride home....really.

Joey Ryan continues to be awesome, and I quote "Morgan and the organ, we will continue to show that size matters" the tag champs sneak attack them then after a brief scuffle run off.

Mr Anderson vs Kurt Angle
We get a no contest due to Mike Knox with the hammer in the ring on the neck of Angle. Angle gets stretchered out. I guess he gets back to the table of A&8's.

Sting vs Mike Knox
Sting comes out and calls out Knox. This was a complete squash. Sting dismantled Knox and after the match nailed Knox with the hammer.

After the match A&8's show they hold Brooke Hogan and Bully makes the save. Hulk still doesn't trust Bully, B Ray cuts a good promo and has the crowd on his side. It is by far the best promo of the show, though once he proposes the promo jumps the shark for me. We go from dating marriage in two weeks. This is WAY to fast to progress an angle. It takes wrestling and puts in giant flashing neon letters "WE ARE FAKE!!!"

Overall Thoughts: I was not a fan of the ending but the show wasn't bad. I liked most of the show, and the Aries/Roode stuff takes the cake for me.

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