Sunday, December 1, 2013

WWE Monday Night Raw 11/25/13

Honestly I miss wrestling and have been out of touch since just after SummerSlam. Time to get back into it.

-Episode 1070 starts with Randy Orton, the WWE Champion who claims he is owed an apology from those who think he would lose the WWE Title at Survivor Series. He brings out Triple H and Stephanie who are pleased Orton is still the champion. Orton is upset that Triple H and Stephanie came down at SS and ran interference in his match. Orton then cuts a promo about being the greatest champion in the 50+ year history of the company. It is a pretty good heel promo but out comes World Champion John Cena and if this feud they have ends in an undisputed title I am all for it. Cena goes on a tirade about the fans loving Daniel Bryan because they are tired for the administrative BS of the Helmsleys. He then wants an undisputed champion which I popped for. There are some underlying aspects of this segment which suggests a future Cena heel turn. The relationship between Orton and the Helmsleys is far from smooth and Orton mention Cena talking with the Helmsleys of this title unification idea. HHH announces a title unification ladder match between Orton and Cena.

The Shield vs Cody Rhodes, Goldust and Rey Misterio Jr.
Even with the rise of Roman Reigns I am still a big Dean Ambrose fan. He had a lot of wacky selling in this one which adds an entertainment aspect to his wrestling. The match is acceptable but a large portion of the heat segment is during the commercial. Reigns counters a 619 with a massive spear. Ambrose gets the pin on Rhodes with his unnamed bulldog like maneuver, which is odd because usually the WWE will give finishers a name.

-MizTV is next *groan* and his guest is Michael Strahan or should I say Titus O'Neal who is parodying Strahan to put himself over. First of all everyone knows who it is so he gains nothing by this. Maybe treating the WWE as a sport leads me to be frustrated by things like this. Strahan is out to announce a match and this crowd does not care though his comparing Kelly Rippa as tougher than Miz got a good reaction including a Kelly Rippa chant. Miz does drop an insider term saying Strahan was stiff when the hip toss did not go as planned. I miss the NWA.

Ryback and Curtis Axel vs Big E Langston and Mark Henry
This was a complete squash with Heny delivering the Worlds Strongest Slam for the pin. Curtis Axel's stock seems to slipped rather quickly.

7 on 7 Survivor Series Divas Elimination Match
I am not a fan of many of the Divas as they have no wrestling ability save for AJ, Katlyn and Natalya. Of course the Bellas and Eva Marie are the winners. There is a teased AJ/Natalya feud which has possibilities. Fans were solidly behind AJ because she has both personality and wrestling ability, a combination which none of the have. Like many of the Divas matches have become this was an extended ad for the Total Divas show.

Damien Sandow vs Dolph Ziggler - Hamptons Hardcore Match
Sandow and Ziggler keep things energetic and make this a fun match. Of course this is a total PG street fight, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. The Sandow win surprises me but I haven't been keeping track of what has transpired in the feud thus far. Sandow got the pin with a slam through a trash can.

Strahan and Santino are in the back in a comedy sketch with THE WYATTS of all people. A yes chant breaks out for Strahan to put the sheep mask on, which he does.

Punk takes some time to make points with Daniel Bryan shouting YES to every point. The team name seems to have become The Beard and The Best. Punk references the Ring Crew Express which got a pop from me. Punk addresses The Authority putting those they hate in handicap matches hoping it will fix the problem but they are not scared of the Wyatts.

The Beard & The Best vs The Wyatt Family
I love B&B and the Wyatt's character however the Wyatt's can be a little on the boring side in the ring. Punk played a great face in peril and Daniel Bryan is as firey a babyface as you can find but the match lacked a lot. This can also be attributed to it being a rematch to further the feud. The Wyatt's get disqualified by not clearing the ring. The Wyatt's kidnap Bryan and Roman Reigns spears Punk from out of nowhere. The Shield triple powerbombs Punk as a message from The Authority.

Kofi Kingston vs The Miz
Kofi has lost a lot of muscle and it shows. These two had a match I really didn't pay much attention to. Miz wins with another version of a rollup (in this case a crucifix) which are set in a way that his victories appear as flukes. I am not a huge fan as either but Miz is worlds better as a heel and would fit well if he was added to The Authority.

Xavier Woods vs Heath Slater
I like Slater a lot he is selfless and seemingly enjoys his role as a man the WWE trusts with newcomers and legends. This is Woods debut and he is paired with R-Truth and the Funkadaklyles for reasons unknown. He wins the match with Gail Kim's Eat Defeat and looked pretty good in doing so. I wouldn't say it was the most impressive debut I have ever seen but the man has potential.

-I can't lie this was the best of Strahan's appearances where he signs footballs for The Bellas who are Eagles fans, the Funkadaklyles who are fantastic. The red headed chick lets him know she is there and Goldust is just awesome.

Randy Orton & Alberto Del Rio vs John Cena & Big Show
The match was just a match until the angle with Show's concussion kicked in. He lost by being kicked in the head the previous night and then was kicked in the head twice during the match. The doctor temporarily stopped the match but that did not last long as Orton started back on the attack. Show got in a spear on instinct, made the tag and was on the outside for the rest of the match. That was ok as Super Cena was here to take care of business and won with the STF. After the match Orton blasted Cena with the World Title, fade to black.

Overall it was a decent show moving things somewhat along but nothing groundbreaking. Ziggler/Sandow was match of the night by a good margin.